GeoXP Mining
Providing Solutions to The of Mining Industry
GeoXp didirikan pada Tahun 2009 menyediakan Layanan Pengeboran, Logging Geofisika, dan Manajemen Eksplorasi. Di tahun 2015 memperluas layanan dengan memberikan Konsultasi Teknis Pertambangan kepada Industri Pertambangan di Indonesia memberikan Layanan Teknis kepada pemilik tambang, kontraktor dan investor.
Pengalaman yang Relevan
Jenis layanan yang dilakukan
Tim Profesional
Tim dan Mitra GeoXp terdiri dari para profesional dengan pengalaman dan keahlian yang luas dalam operasi dan logistik tambang batubara
Finance professionals understand the importance of running a profitable and long-term business.
Operations teams which have proven critical in addressing operational issues in mine operations, community development, logistics, permitting and licensing
Geologist and Mine Engineer who can perform and understand all aspects of the exploration program, geological modelling, mine design, quality control, regulations and compliance.
Motivation and success orientation for our partners. We only work with partners who follow the same business principles that we follow.
Extensive experience in the Indonesian coal industry and positive relationships with key market players in the regions
Proven track record and deep and diverse business experience that adds significant value to our group.
Pengalaman Proyek
Project Completed
JORC & KCMI Report
Technical Report
Drilling Services
Years of Experince
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